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Mike Woody
Nov 10, 2009 01:17 PM
The aphorism "knowledge is power" is literally true in the sport of powerlifting. To succeed in powerlifting one must first master the proper technique of each lift. [...]
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Steady State vs. Intervals
Brian Copeland, RKC
Oct 19, 2009 03:18 PM
While the debate about steady state vs. intense interval cardio races on, more emotion has been poured into the debate than logic or science. I aim to resolve that. [...]
Delaine Ross, RKC Level 2, Z Health Level 1
Oct 19, 2009 01:48 PM
I have a confession to make. It goes against everything that I stand for in the fitness world, but lately I haven't been able to help myself. My confession is that I li [...]
Steve Mathews
Sep 28, 2009 04:11 PM
When it comes to generating strength, tension is king. Your muscles don't know whether you are lifting iron, rocks or sand, or if you are using isometric contractions, [...]
Sean Schniederjan, RKC
Sep 28, 2009 03:57 PM
What is a Hardstyle Shoulder? One of the marks of the RKC Hardstyle System of Strength is a strong shoulder. Since the shoulder muscle is only as strong as the suppo [...]
Sep 11, 2009 01:39 PM
The inaugural CK-FMS Workshop was held in St. Paul, Minnesota, in August 2008. The event exceeded all expectations, including my own, and I cannot compliment my co- [...]
Geoff Neupert, Senior RKC
Sep 11, 2009 01:12 PM
How many times have you been frustrated by your lack of progress in the snatch? Sure, it's a hard lift, and there's technique involved, but many times snatch progress is [...]
Uncle Sal
Sep 11, 2009 11:28 AM
I am a former Reconnaissance Marine with scuttlebutt for those of you thinking of joining the ranks. The command recommendations for a 12-week fitness program calls fo [...]
US military special operator, RKC, name withheld
Sep 11, 2009 11:20 AM
I have a few different methods of training for pullups: 1. If I am training for a Physical Fitness Test, the goal is to accomplish the maximum number of repetitions. [...]
Max Shank, RKC
Aug 27, 2009 01:28 PM
Max Shank, RKC bottom up presses a 40kg kettlebell holding a gripper in the opposite hand. Every 4 years we sit and watch in astonishment at the feats of strength [...]