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Coach Sonnon
Oct 20, 2004 06:13 PM Athletic Performance Enhancement Solutions Team Selective Tension is a protocol I devised to coach my clients on maximizing strength gains thr [...]
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Steve Baccari, RKC
Oct 20, 2004 06:11 PM
The following article will show you how I have integrated Pavel?s training methods into my boxers? training. This exercise program fits boxers well because the exercises [...]
Mike Burgener
Oct 20, 2004 06:10 PM
I have been involved in Olympic weightlifting since 1964 when I was a student and football athlete at the University of Notre Dame. Luckily for me, my coaches were Fr. B [...]
Chad Waterbury
Oct 20, 2004 06:09 PM
The sooner you realize the importance of explosive strength, the better. I don?t care if you are professional fighter, football player or bodybuilder - you can?t have to [...]
Wayne ‘Scrapper’ Fisher
Oct 20, 2004 06:07 PM
We?ve all been in situations that have demanded more from us than we originally thought possible. Even if you can handle the job alone it?s usually good to know there is [...]
Sunday, August 18, 02, the Rancho Buena Vista High School football team traveled to Camp Pendleton, California, the home of the United States Marine Corps, 1st Division, [...]
Garrett McElfresh, PT
Oct 20, 2004 06:05 PM
I think it was Rousseau who said that Man's biggest problem was that he wasn't content to simply sit tight and stay in his room. Rousseau probably dressed that up a bit, [...]
Daniel Rodgers
Over the course of my lifting career I've inadvertently stumbled across some very effective methods, some of them almost identical to the methods Pavel advocates. Very l [...]
Brad Johnson
Oct 20, 2004 06:04 PM
The standing evil wheel is an exercise that displays extreme abdominal strength and body control. In this article, I will introduce two methods of working up to this dif [...]
Oct 20, 2004 06:03 PM
The Wheel When I was in elementary school my parents purchased an abdominal wheel. This was advertised as a superb tool to develop upper body and abdominal strength. [...]