Do YOU Qualify to Attend the RKC II Certification Workshop?
The RKC II Certification Workshop is for those RKCs who seek the opportunity to (check all that apply):
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Dramatically enhance their kettlebell training expertise |
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Deliver highly effective kettlebell training to a wider spectrum of clients |
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Significantly increase their income as a kettlebell trainer |
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Upgrade their personal strength skills |
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Earn greater respect as a leader in the kettlebell-training market |
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Add greater perceived value to their kettlebell business profile |
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Join and network with an elite group of high-level kettlebell instructors |
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Refine their basic RKC skills |
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Develop significant new levels of power, strength, conditioning and physical resilience |
Did you qualify? Then read on now:
The Rewards of the RKC II Are Great—For Those With
the Fortitude and Self-Respect to Meet the Challenge
As an RKC, you have already exposed yourself to the power of the RKC's kettlebell teachings…
You’re doubtless amazed at your new levels of power and strength—and at the life-changing impact you’re having on your clients and those you serve…
But why rest on your laurels, when there is SO much more to achieve? A whole wealth of deeper, finer and powerful methods to incorporate and benefit from for yourself and as a trainer…
Now, you have the opportunity to grab the brass ring, to access advanced kettlebell knowledge and skills that will catapult you into the top echelon of kettlebell trainers worldwide.
The first level of kettlebell certification (RKC) gave you the skills to perform and teach the fundamental and most crucial lifts in the kettlebell repertoire.
The RKC II curriculum will give you the skills to perform and teach the next most important set of kettlebell lifts—while pushing you to new levels of physical excellence.
Enter the RKC II—And All This Can Be Yours:
1. An arsenal of Bottom Up kettlebell drills: the clean, the press, the walk, the front squat. Bottom up exercises, unique to kettlebells, offer a number of extraordinary benefits, with superb economy and in a compact, easy to use package:
- Get a startling boost in press and pullup strength— with a dramatic and rapid improvement in your grip crush ability.
- Increased wrist strength—a must when you insist on elevating your pressing strength.
- Lethalize your punching power—while reducing the odds of injuring your fist or wrist.
- Develop and hone your kime—a "shaped charge" explosive full body contraction that characterizes a devastating strike. This skill improves one’s performance in many non-combat disciplines as well—such as tennis.
- Be FAR more skilled at exploding from total relaxation to total tension—and jack your athletic speed and power accordingly.
- Discover a simple way to test your CNS readiness for a heavy practice—and to avoid overtraining.
- Sharpen your Hardstyle skill of total tension and linkage.
- Make your midsection muscles fire on all cylinders—for a maximal irradiation effect.
- Discover and remove asymmetries that may be holding you back from greater strength and resilience.
- Advance your skill of using the lats in the press—and military and bench press more than ever.
2. Then say hello to the old-time strongmens’ favorite little friend: the Bent Press. In Bob Hoffman’s words, "The bent press is the making of a lifter. It promotes efficiency in all lifts, and its practice will promote a great increase in strength and development… Every lifter who has been renowned for beauty of form and symmetry of physique is also a star in the bent press… The bent press is the most interesting and fascinating of all lifts."
- Savagely strengthen your upper body in one highly concentrated exercise—that allows you to put up more weight overhead with one arm than any other. The Russian Kettlebell Challenge book proposed the bent press plus the heavy snatch as the Program Minimum for an advanced minimalist. You are about to find out why.
- Build wing-like lats—with a unique and little-known stimulus that can have a steroid-like effect on these crucial muscles.
- Discover the perfect drill to balance the hollow position of bodyweight strength training.
- Develop a ramrod straight and open posture.
- Discover two powerful styles for the bent press, the windmill style and the screw style—and identify which one is the best for YOUR body type.
- Forge a scary mix of strength and mobility that no other lift can touch.
3. Learn the Windmill, the Yin to the Yang of swings, snatches, and deadlifts. A favorite of old-timers like Jowett, it is a perfect stretch for the muscles worked hard by heavy pulls.
4. Add the Push Press, single and double, to your power toolbox.
- Discover why Master RKC Jeff O’Connor called the light touch-and-go push press "the swing for the anterior chain".
- Discover the secret of getting your lower and upper body to work together in one powerful effort—for so much more impressive results.
- Discover why the Push Press should be every athlete and fighters’ best friend.
5. Take on the kettlebell Clean & Jerk—a proud equal of the twenty-rep squat. There is an opinion in the Russian spec ops community that if you work it hard there is not much else you need to do. It is one of the best GPP exercises in existence, one with the widest range of "what the hell effects": power, strength, muscle hypertrophy, fat loss, and conditioning. "The ‘why’ of the Jerk is easy", comments Master RKC Jeff O’Connor. "The ‘how’ takes some finesse." Learn that finesse as an RKC II!
6. The Double Snatch, the ultimate expression of full body power. "Backs to lifters," quipped Dr. Randal Strossen, "are what biceps are to bodybuilders." So, RKC IIs, their "curls" are your double snatches!
- Learn how to fearlessly perform this monstrously beautiful exercise—with heavy bells and with no second knee dip.
7. Advance your Level I drills, all but get-ups, to doubles: Level I+. Why? Because the greater tension—and the metabolic and endocrine demands of doubles—will directly translate into more strength, more muscle, less fat, and into greater conditioning.
8. Discover the crucial do’s and don’ts of RKC feestyle training—based on the great secret of professional strongmen, "Exhibition Training".
As Scott "Dilbert" Adams put it, there’s "that subtle difference between creativity and complex stupidity." The RKC stresses rigor of technique and precision of principle. The RKC favors elegant simplicity, simple but deep.
But to climb to the peak—and to be able to clamber up the mountain at a moment’s notice—how best to train?
In the sixties, weightlifter Yuri Vlasov showed what Soviet style planning could achieve when applied to iron. He had teamed up with the great scientist Dr. Leonid Matveyev and coach extraordinaire Suren Bogdasarov and defeated the mighty Paul Anderson. It seemed that an athlete could no longer succeed at the international level without meticulous scientific planning.
Then came the seventies and another untouchable Russian superheavyweight, Vasily Alexeev…
"There is much talk about the art of training. But there is nothing concrete. I myself keep searching for a rational method... Constantly..." said Alexeev. "…I train more often and I lift more weights than others. I never know when I will train. Sometimes deep in the night, sometimes in the morning. Sometimes several times a day, sometimes not at all. I never repeat myself. Only I understand what is right for me."
Once you have sampled the unbelievable variety of kettlebell exercises you will find it very difficult to follow Vlasov’s structured approach. There is too much free spirit in the Russian kettlebell to contain it in a sets and reps routine. Michael Castrogiovanni, RKC TL called kettlebell training "improvisational exercise where no rep is the same" and quipped that "routine prevents growth."
One effective way to free style your RKC training is approaching it as a circus performance: "exhibition training".
Fast-forward a few years when you have built respectable strength. You have surprised yourself and got so impressive that a traveling circus has hired you as a strongman. You will be performing a kettlebell show almost every day, sometimes more than once a day. Now you are facing a challenge—how can you balance the seemingly contradictory demands of being impressive every night and yet continue to improve your strength without overtraining?
At the RKC II, you’ll learn what it takes to master this professional strongman skill and carry it successfully into your own practice. So you can dazzle when dazzle is demanded of you—yet continue to implacably grow and grow in your strength, whatever the demands you face. THIS alone, will be worth the price of admittance…
Are You RKC II Material?
Then Aim High, Aim Heavy—And Train Accordingly!
RKC II is not for every RKC. You climbed the first peak—a peak you once may have thought insurmountable. Now a new, higher—and, yes, more daunting—peak beckons you to conquer it.
Do you have that higher level of fortitude, of pride, of self-respect, of ambition, of desire, of focus, of determination and of sheer, obstinate bloody-mindedness that REFUSES to be cowed by a new and greater challenge?
Are you made of RKC II material? Can we count you in?
Few athletes have enough attention to detail to master sophisticated classic lifts like the bent press. Can we count you in?
Far from everyone is serious enough about strength to put in the perfect reps required to become "entry level strong" and military press a kettlebell weighing ½ bodyweight for men and 1/3 for women. Can we count you in?
Few have a professional’s drive to pursue knowledge that is "an inch wide and a mile deep"—rather than skim from style to style and chase discipline after discipline, shiny ball after shiny ball. Can we count you in?
And few indeed are those who truly never tire of sharpening their blade…Can we count you in?
Then welcome to RKC II!
Important: review the complete RKC level II testing requirements before you register.
To See Just What Kind of Quality You Can Expect at
Our October 2012 RKC II Training, Read What These Participants Had to Say About the Most Recent RKC Level Two Workshops:
Dustin Miller, Personal Trainer, Chicago, IL
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
1999 and 2000 IL State Powerlifting Champion, 1999 National and World Powerlifting Champion. 18-19 100kg weight class. Won Best Lifter Award at National and World Championships. Sept 2008 Beast Tamer. NSCA certified as CSCS. NASM certified as CES. RKC Certified
Steve Milles, Muay Thai Instructor, Gym Owner, New York City, NY
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Owner, Head Muay Thai Instructor at Five Points Academy in NYC -- one of the most well known, internationally respected muay thai camps in the US. Certifications: Arjan (Master) under Grandmaster Chansadeth "Cheetah" Chantanao, Cheetah Muay Thai Assoc. in affiliation with the International Muay Thai School, Bangkok Thailand, Kru (Teacher) under Grandmaster Thosaphon "Toddy" Sitiwatjana, Muay Thai International Assoc. RKC Level I, Instructor Achievements: Trainer to 9 members of US national teams to World Muay Thai Championships. Trainer to multiple amateur and professional champions at national and international level, including current women's WKA World Champion at 118.8 lb max. Athletic Achievements: Retired Professional Thai boxer (15 years). Top ten ranked fighter for most of my career, USMTA Welterweight Intercontinental Champion, WKA Jr. Middleweight US Champion, WKA and ISKA Welterweight US Champion, Bronze Medal, IAMTF World Championships in Bangkok, Thailand

Philip Ross - Martial Arts and Personal Trainer; Ho Ho Kus, NJ
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
2005- Inducted to the Action Martial Arts Hall of Fame
2000- Garden State Games Karate Black Belt Heavyweight Sparring Champion
1998 — Medalist in Weapons, Empty hand Forms and Freestyle Fighting at the Bando Nationals
1996 - United Kung Fu Federation - Competitor of the Year Award
1995 — Amateur National Heavyweight Freestyle Fighting Champion
1994 - World Martial Arts Hall of Fame - "Man of the Year"
1987 — Reebok Classic Power lifting Champion (1400 lbs. Lifted in the 181 lb class)
1982 — University of Maryland Olympic lifting Champion — 181 lbs.
1979 — AAU Junior Olympic Greco-Roman National Runner-up
Prentiss Rhodes, Owner of Rhodes Fusion Fitness Kettlebell and Self Defense Studio, Chicago, IL
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Former Collegiate Taekwondo Heavyweight Medalist in sparring 1994, Former NAGA Illinois Silver Medalist in no-GI Masters division 2006, Kettlebell Sport Competition 24 kg Long Cycle Clean and Jerk, 4th Degree Black Belt Taekwondo, 1st Degree Black Belt Hapkido, Certified F.I.G.H.T. instructor in the Haganah System, Doctor of Chiropractic, NSCA CSCS
Rob Miller, personal trainer, Chicago, IL
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
ACE CPT, Former U.S. Naval Search and Rescue Swimmer
Scott Hines Sr., Performance Trainer/Business Owner, Rome, GA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Former College Football Player, 25 years of training and coaching experience, NSCA, C.S.C.S certified, We work with the general population, youth, middle and high school athletes as well as college and professional athletes. I have coached at the high school level, as well as college and professional level.
Heidi Rothenberg — Russian Kettlebell Instructor/Massage Therapist; Albuquerque, NM
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Co-owner of FireBellz, Albuquerque's Premiere Russian Kettlebell Studio, 15 year certified personal fitness trainer.
Amy Dudley, Co-owner Better Bodies of Medina, Medina, OH
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
15 years in the fitness industry. AFAA Primary and Step certified, Maddogg Athletic certified, CycleOps certified, Yogafit certified
Thomas Phillips - Owner of Fit for Life pt; Marlboro, NJ:
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
2002 Body-for-life Grand Master Champion
1st place National AAU deadlifter
Master Class Raw Powerlifter; National qualifier for the sport of kettlebell lifting
Rich Kocher, Personal Trainer, Poughkeepsie, NY
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
ace personal trainer, NASM personal trainer, NYSC master trainer, RKC, JKD 4th level.
Katie Bigelow, Student, Z-Health Master Trainer, RKC Instructor, Seattle, WA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
RKC Instructor, Z-Health, Master Trainer, 2-Time State Champion Soccer NCISAA, State Champion Basketball NCISAA
Dennis Frisch, Trainer, Copenhagen, Demark
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Former Danish Army Officer, commando and airborne, exercise physiology, full contact karate, krav maga, military sports
Andrey Patenko - Personal Trainer; Lansdale, PA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Champion and member Uzbekistan Track and Field team 1982-1991, Received 1st and 2nd place award in National Police Hand to Hand Fighting Championships 1992/1993, Champion International Martial Arts Tournament Kentucky, USA 1997, Certification of Black Belt Instructor Hand-To-Hand Fighting Federation and Ju-Jitsu 1997, Certification as Bodyguard, International Antiterrorist Training Association and Dynomo-profi,Russia 1996, Senior Sergeant Soviet Army Spetznaz 1996-98, Command Senior Lieutenant Central Police Department, Perm, Russia, Department of Special Physical and Combat Training 1991-1994.
David Cogswell, Chemical Operator / Co Owner of Kettlebell Club, Houston, TX
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Co Owner Houston Kettlebell Club, 5th Dan Tae Kwon Do, 2 Times National Champion WTF, Former Para-rescue Specialist USAF
Cindy Glass — Analyst; Portola Valley, CA
Willie Woods - Personal Trainer, Massage; Therapist Redmond, WA
Angelo Gala - Personal Trainer; Boston, MA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
7 years experience personal training, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, RKC
Lauren Brooks — Fitness Coach and Clinical Nutritionist; Encinitas, CA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Certified Clinical Nutritionist, B.S. in Kinesiology, Certified by American Council on Exercise. Personal Trainer for 9 years.
Zar Horton - Firefighter; Albuquerque, New Mexico
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
RKC Team Leader, Division Commander Albuquerque Fire Department- Special Operations, Albuquerque Fire Department; Health and Wellness Program Co-founder, FireBellz Russian Kettlebell Studio Owner, Certified Paramedic, 18 yrs US DOE Certified Instructor Intermediate Force, Ground Control for Law Enforcement, Men's League competitive soccer 17 yrs, Youth soccer Coach 2000-2004, Track: 1993 World Firefighter Games 4x100 Gold medal
Renee Woods — Personal Trainer; Encinitas, CA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Certified personal trainer, RKC certification, 3rd degree black belt and did body building training and contest in the 1990's
John Heinz - Blacksmith, Martial Arts Instructor; Upper Black Eddy, PA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
25+ years Martial Arts Practice; shim Gum Do Kwanjang.
George Spears — Teacher of Yoga "Neuromuscular Performance Specialist"; Roswell, GA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
I began my studies of yoga and martial art and Japanese-russo strength and conditioning methods under the tutelage of Tadashi Nakamura Sensei, Vladamir Lakota, Ivan Trypovic, Max Hasse, Tony Armento and last but not least Yul Brynner. Since 1979 I have taught athletes from all walks of life both amateur and professional most notably Walter Peyton and Scott Sisson. In 1989 I founded the Neuromuscular Performance Institute and my own form of yoga. "Ahimsa Virabhadrasana"(Nonviolent Warrior) a vinyasa form of yoga utilizing the dead lift, the pullup, the squat and the kettlebell as a foundation for spinal strength and flexibility
Matthew Godina - Personal Trainer; Brooklyn, NY
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Jeff Larson - Personal Trainer; Napa, CA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Certified Personal Trainer
Betsy Collie — Group Kettlebell Instructor, Rapid Results Fitness; Durham, NC
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Attended NC School of the Arts for Dance. Numerous scholarships and awards for dance. Figure competitor instructor. Group certifications and personal trainer certs. Currently co-owner of Rapid Results Fitness, specializing in kettlebell training group classes.
Mark Erickson — Personal Trainer; Vinton, IA
Ron Farrington - Police Officer; East Hanover, NJ
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Member of the East Hanover Police Dept. ESU team, currently compete in MMA
Rolando Garcia, III - JKD Instructor; Guttenberg, NJ
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Full Instructor in JKD/FMA under Armando Basulto - Senior Full Instructor under Paul Vunak
- Phase I Instructor in JKD/FMA under Paul Vunak/Armando Basulto
- Initiateur in Boxe Francaise Savate under Armando Basulto, Moniteur under the French Federation of Boxe Francaise Savate
- Blue Belt in BJJ under Royler Gracie/David Adiv (8 years experience)
- Competitive experience in BJJ (gi/no-gi), boxe francaise savate, muay thai, stick and knife fighting
JJ Blea — Contractor, Kettlebell studio owner; Albuquerque, NM
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Involved in many different sports throughout my lifetime. Enjoy Kettlebell training, basketball, and golf now days.
Kate Hawbaker — Teacher; Louisville, KY
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Member of YMCA women's gymnastics team Mason-Dixon league champions 1980-1985. Practices Ashtanga yoga. Studied yoga with Ramanand Patel, David Swenson, Doug Keller.
Jule Albretsen - Mechanical Engineer; Hyrum, UT
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Ran Park City, UT Marathon 2004. 300 on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). 4 years in the Army.
Gayle Hunter — Fitness Trainer; Healdsburg, CA
Tim McPhee — Plumber; Rochester, MN
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Master plumber, HVAC technician, 4th degree Black Belt in TKD, Certified Instructor in TKD
Dustin Rippetoe — Gun Range Owner; Guthrie OK
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
4 years kettlebells; 2 years RKC
10+ years martial arts
Christian Lombardo — Personal Trainer, Performance Coach; Huntington, NY
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Tier Three Personal Trainer at Equinox Fitness Club, International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) Master Trainer, United States of America Weightlifting (USAW) Club Coach
Robert Harris - Fitness Coach; Nepean, Ont. Canada
Stefan Astrup Madsen — Student; Hilleroedgaade, Denmark
Chris Fournie — Martial Arts Fitness Gym Owner; Duluth, MN
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Black belts in 2 disciplines; Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor; Past Bodyguard; past private investigator; 1000 Kettlebell Snatch Challenge.
Jill Knipp — Personal Trainer; Escondido, CA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
AFAA Certified Personal Trainer; AAHFRP Post Rehab Specialist; AAHFRP Medical Exercise Specialist; RKC
Carolyn Hakes - Personal Trainer; Naperville, IL
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Bob Orr - US Marine; Virginia Beach, VA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
RKC, US Marine, currently competing in ultra-marathon cycling events.
Robbie Williams - Personal trainer/ Gym owner; Cork, Ireland
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
long distance running, biking, crossfitting
Aaron Larmore - Owner/Director of Performance - Fit2Live; Iowa City, IA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Youth Conditioning Specialist — IYCA, Strength and Conditioning Specialist - NSCA
Jason Von — Personal Trainer; Livermore, CA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Chek Level I, Poligquin Level 2, Back Rehab and preventative injuries, training athletes.
Christine Staunch - Personal Trainer; Bayonne, NJ
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
World/International Baton Twirling Competitor, State, Regional and National Champion; Personal Trainer; Group Fitness Instructor; USTA Judge
Andrew Freeman - Personal Trainer; S St Paul, MN
George Gomola - Asst. Fire Chief; Fairfield, CT
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
IAAI Firefighter Peer Fitness Trainer, SAQS Strength and Conditioning Coach
Sacred Heart University Men's Soccer
Jonathan Barber - Landlord, Personal Trainer; Nottingham, United Kingdom
Luis Martinez — Businessman; Guadalajara, MEXICO
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Football 10 years, some martial arts.
Keira Newton - Feldenkrais Practitoner; Santa Fe, NM
Michael House - Fitness Director; Houston, TX
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Former professional and amateur boxer; Master's exercise physiology, USA Weightlifting / Club Coach; CSCS
Kori Bliffert - Respiratory Therapist, Personal Trainer; Frisco, TX
Christopher Newton - Personal Trainer; Miami, FL
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Masters Degree: Exercise Physiology; NCSA; CSCS; 2nd degree Blackbelt Kempo; MMA Instructor.
John Rock - Personal Trainer; Arden Hills, MN
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
1992,1994 US Olympic Trials participant XC ski; NSCA- CSCS; ACSM- HF/I; ACE- Personal Trainer; NASM- PES; AFFA- Group Fitness Instructor; Professional Ski Instructors of America- Nordic Track & Skate level 3, Alpine level 1
You will be tested on your clean and military press strength. Men are required to press the kettlebell closest to 1/2 their bodyweight. Women are required to press the kettlebell closest to 1/3 their bodyweight. Masters of 50 years of age and older have a separate set of requirements.
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Military Press
RKC Level II Requirements
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, Lbs. |
Up to 117 |
53 |
118-132 |
62 |
133-150 |
70 |
151-168 |
80 |
169-185 |
88 |
186-203 |
97 |
Over 203 |
106 |
Men Masters
(50+ Years Old)
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, Lbs. |
Up to 132 |
44 |
133-150 |
53 |
151-168 |
62 |
169-194 |
70 |
Over 194 |
80 |
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, Lbs. |
Up to 112 |
35 |
113-126 |
40 |
127-139 |
44 |
140-152 |
48 |
Over 152 |
53 |
Women Masters
(50+ Years Old)
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, Lbs. |
Up to 122 |
26 |
123-158 |
35 |
159-194 |
44 |
Over 194 |
53 |
The Strict One-Arm Military Press
Chalk is allowed. Supportive gear of any sort (lifting belts, wrist wraps, etc.) is not.
- Performance of the C&P with one arm is sufficient.
- The student shall clean the kettlebell.
- Once the kettlebell is in the rack, the knees must stay locked and the feet planted until the student has locked out the press.
- The fist of the hand holding the kettlebell must be below the chin level before the start of the press.
- There may be no downward movement of the kettlebell after the pause in the rack.
- The student and the kettlebell shall pause motionless before the press.
- A minimal back bend is allowed but may not increase in the course of the press.
- A moderate side bend is allowed.
- The student may not roll the kettlebell onto the shoulder and press from there.
- The student shall press the kettlebell overhead until the elbow is locked and pause motionless until the instructor’s "Down!" command.
- The student may lower the kettlebell in any safe manner of his choice.
- Windmill (5 repetitions per side, snatch size kettlebell)
- Bent Press - As of today, this lift is taught but not tested. Starting with 2013, recertifying Level II instructors will be tested with 1 repetition on one side with a military press strength test size kettlebell. One more time: you will not be tested when you certify for Level II the first time but you will be when you recertify.
- Double Push Press (5 repetitions, with snatch test size bell)
- Double Jerk (5 repetitions, with snatch test size bell)
The push press and jerk kettlebell sizes based on the snatch size bell:
Snatch Test |
Push Press, Jerk |
12kg |
2 x 16kg |
16kg |
2 x 22kg |
20kg |
2 x 24kg |
24kg |
2 x 32 kg |
The following skills will be taught and tested with snatch size kettlebells:
- Double Swing (10 repetitions)
- Double Clean (5 repetitions)
- Double Press (5 repetitions)
- Double Front Squat (5 repetitions)
- Double Snatch (5 repetitions)
The get-up will be tested with a kettlebell 1/3 heavier than the snatch test size bell (1 repetition per side). Note that in the future the Level II get-up will be tested with a military press strength test size kettlebell and plan accordingly.
- The standard Level I snatch test.
- The standard Level I pullup/flexed arm test
If you fail any of the above tests, you will be given three months to retest with a Master RKC, Senior RKC, or RKC Team Leader. Your RKC II Instructor certificate will not be issued until you have passed all the tests. If you have passed the Level I+ tests, your Level I certificate will be renewed for two years.
Testing Exemptions
In rare cases a highly accomplished, national or international level coach or athlete may be exempt from some of the technique and/or performance tests due to a chronic injury. The candidate would need to demonstrate his ability to coach the Level II skills effectively.
RKC II Preparation Advice
The most common reason for failing the Level 2 is insufficient pressing strength.
Take your time to build up your press and remember that there are no shortcuts. As a Russian saying goes, "To press a lot you must press a lot." The required standards are simply —not easily, but simply —achieved by following the Right of Passage plan in
Enter the Kettlebell!
Certification Workshop
October 26, 2012 — October 28, 2012
Fri: 8:30—6:30, Sat: 8:30—6:30, Sun 8:30—4:30
St. Paul, Minnesota
Register on-line or call 1-800-899-5111 for credit card orders.
Mail check to Dragon Door Publications, 5 East County Rd B, #3, Little Canada, MN 55117
Tuition: $2,595.00
$300.00 Cancellation Fee, no exceptions.
No refunds on cancellations after October 15, 2012
Workshop Code # WPKB91
Workshop reference: October 2012 RKC II Certification Workshop
Now available: pay for your workshop in three equal, monthly installments.
You will be charged one third of the published registration fee, discounted or otherwise, at the time of your registration. Your credit card will be charged 30 days and 60 days later for the two subsequent amounts.
Simply proceed with your registration and when you arrive at the shopping cart check the box indicated to pay in three installments.

- Extreme Early-Bird Registration Discount:
Register and pay by July 6, 2012, fee is only $1,595.00 (Save $1000.00)
- Super Early-Bird Registration Discount:
Register and pay by August 3, 2012, fee is only $1,795.00 (Save $800.00)
- Excellent Early-Bird Registration Discount:
Register and pay by September 7, 2012, fee is only $1,995.00 (Save $600.00)
Limited to eighty-five participants.
Workshop price does not include room & board, however complimentary lunches, coffee and water will be provided on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
A map for the location and a list of convenient hotels/motels will be provided to all registrants.
Note: We will be providing you with kettlebells to practice with at the training, but these kettlebells are not included in the price of the training.
You will be able to purchase kettlebells at the workshop if you let us know in advance.
Details for Location, Hotel, Travel:
See link above in "LEARN MORE . . ." section.