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Ori Hofmekler
Jun 30, 2003 08:50 PM
What You Absolutely Should and Shouldn?t Do To Boost Your Sex Drive and Enhance Performance Eat meat. Meat is high in the amino acid Arginine and the minerals Zinc and [...]
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--How to best protect yourself from deadly environmental toxin-attacks and other invasions of your private health freedom
Jun 30, 2003 08:48 PM
The recent devastating terrorist attacks on American cities have created an increased awareness of the dangers of environmental toxins. The threat of future attacks and a [...]
The Principles of Growth
Jun 30, 2003 08:47 PM
?How can I keep gaining muscle mass while losing fat on The Warrior Diet?? ? I am asked this question all the time now ? by people who have reached a plateau, with no [...]
Jun 30, 2003 08:46 PM
Maximum performance is the ultimate goal of individuals who wish to excel. Being the strongest, fastest and toughest you can be is a virtue that goes far beyond athletic [...]
Ancient Rifleman
Jun 23, 2003 08:21 PM
A young soldier going to selection asked about some preparation tips. The more I thought, the more I remembered. I began to realize that some of this was in the categor [...]
Simon Forsyth, RKC
Jun 19, 2003 05:02 PM
Firstly let me start out by saying I love Janda sit-ups but there is a problem that I face with these. I cannot do them due to the simple fact of not owning an Ab Paveliz [...]
Kurt J. Wilkens
Jun 02, 2003 04:27 PM
In website 'courtrooms' all across the internet, you can find the same trial played out time and time again: Frequent Training stands accused of the heinous crimes of Cau [...]
Chad Waterbury
Jun 02, 2003 04:02 PM
General Physical Preparedness, or GPP, has become a buzz term around the strength and conditioning over the last few years. As with any important aspect of athletic perf [...]
Josh Everett, RKC
May 21, 2003 03:41 PM
Head Strength Coach, University of California Riverside The TSC hosted in Vista, CA on 3/8/03 brought out some great competition. Fortunately for me, I had a good day an [...]
Stephane Rochet, RKC
May 21, 2003 03:27 PM
I love being a strength coach. I love helping anyone get stronger, fitter, more athletic?as long as they do it my way. So when coaches or administrators ask me if I can [...]