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Rick Huse, RKC (aka. Ironman)
Jan 17, 2003 02:34 PM
Let's go for a ride down Injury Lane. At times, the pursuit of fitness seems like a journey from one injury to the next, a period of impressive gains and progress, then B [...]
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Sean Williams
Jan 03, 2003 10:31 PM
Well, first of all I would very much like to assist my fellow comrades in putting together programs for enhancing their functional power. For now, let us talk about speci [...]
James "Lemon" Boelter
Jan 03, 2003 10:28 PM
This article is intended to help advanced beginners and intermediates continue in the wonderful ways of Girevoy sport. In academic courses, there is almost always an intr [...]
Brett Jones, RKC
Jan 03, 2003 10:23 PM
On October 12th of this year, I was fortunate enough to win the Special Ops level of the inaugural Tactical Strength Challenge. AS this was my first foray into competiti [...]
Eddie ‘the Green Ghost’ Kowacz
Dec 23, 2002 09:28 PM
Comrades, I have used the following routine to increase my deadlift from 525 to 555 in 6 weeks. The original name of this program was ?the Russian Squat Program?, and I j [...]
Dr. Gregory H. Tefft
Dec 18, 2002 04:46 PM
Here are some answers to the many questions I?ve received lately about stages of stress, colds, and their relationship to Vitamin C. Being the cold and flu season in com [...]
John Dean
Dec 12, 2002 03:51 PM
We owe Comrade Ari a round of applause for his article on OAPs, though I prefer to avoid those initials because in Britain, where my father lives, they stand for 'Old Age [...]
Tom Furman, RKC
Nov 28, 2002 02:59 PM
A proper tool makes the job easier. I will show you how to do a great job of building strength with ?low tech/high concept? tools that pretend to be boring everyday obje [...]
Scott Meredith
Nov 19, 2002 03:36 PM
Walls are a simple bit of universal architecture -functional, unassuming, and humble in their supportive role. For strength, health, mind, and body training, walls can ad [...]
Nov 10, 2002 12:57 AM
I remember going to see Enter The Dragon when I was a kid and watching Bruce Lee throw those lighting fast backfists and hand combinations at Bob Wall, and ever since tha [...]