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Joe Secord
Aug 01, 2002 01:38 PM
Since becoming the first NASS (North American Strongman Society) State Chairman for Nebraska and Iowa, I have had many people contact me, asking how to get started in str [...]
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Simon Forsyth
Jul 24, 2002 02:21 PM
Comrades, some of you know me and some of you don?t so I?ll introduce myself. My name is Simon Forsyth.. My main goal in life is to join the Australian Special Air Servic [...]
Tyler Hass
Jul 24, 2002 02:00 PM
First off, I just want to say that I used to be incredibly stiff. After some stretching, I am now on my way to nearly pliable. In my quest to defeat my Al Gore syndrome [...]
J. C.
Jul 17, 2002 05:00 PM
For a beginning/intermediate girevik, I think the best goal you can set is to match the Class I numbers in The Russian Kettlebell Challenge. Get there, and you will enjoy [...]
Rob Lawrence, RKC
Jul 17, 2002 03:12 PM
"Breathing ladders" are a very effective technique I've come up with for developing cardiovascular endurance. They are based on my observation, in karate training, that e [...]
George Nolly, RKC
Jul 02, 2002 02:47 PM
Squat-Jerks for Explosive Power and a Great Full-Body Workout By George Nolly, RKC, a.k.a. Comrade Yuri I do most of my kettlebell work in my back yard. This is al [...]
Jack Reape
Jul 02, 2002 02:20 PM
THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS: THE BENCH PRESS by Jack Reape I do not consider myself a great bench presser. I know a couple great Bench Pressers, and I assure you, [...]
Joey Glaser
Jun 14, 2002 01:14 PM
In this article I would like to describe some of the drills that I put together to help my martial arts training. I do my forms, kicking and punching drills, footwork dri [...]
Mark Taintor
Jun 14, 2002 01:09 PM
As a fairly recent convert to the joys of deadlifting I?ve struggled with getting my lift beyond my body weight (currently around 225 lbs. at 6 ft.; I am 50 years old). [...]
Bill Cullen, RKC
Jun 14, 2002 01:07 PM
Okay, comrades, it's been eighteen months since I picked up my first kettlebell. I'm a retired Army Special Forces Master Sergeant and a certified kettlebell instructor. [...]